maanantaina, heinäkuuta 03, 2006

Neiti tekee äännerunon

Avaan puhelimeni muistikirjan ja sieltä löytyy tällainen teksti:
Ynnyttylyt ylyt
vyyttynynyt tyytyyn
nyyttylyn nyyttnyy
ynt ynnytyny ynt
ytny yyn yytny tyny
ytn ynttyntyy ynt ny
Jäljet johtavat nylttytyntyylly. Kun tiedustelen asiaa tyttäreltäni, hän myöntää syyllisyytensä ja kertoo sitten kirjoittaneensa ensin jotain (selkokielistä) ja vaihtaneensa sen jälkeen kaikki vokaalit y-kirjaimiksi ja korvanneensa lopulta konsonantit pelkillä n-, l- ja t-kirjaimilla. Niinhän siinä käy, kun ikänsä (melkein 11) kuuntelee iskän puhuvan runojen kirjoittamisesta.


Blogger Geofhuth said...

A little substitution and English can give us



3:55 ap.  
Blogger Karri Kokko said...

Oh yeah? We're inventing a language everybody can understand. In fact, this is what I found written in the notebook of my cell phone. Turns out it was my daughter, Josefin. I guess she's been listening to daddy (or reading Charles Bernstein) for most of her eleven (almost) years.

Then again, this is an actual Finnish word:


Go figure. (Slogan for viz poets)

11:13 ap.  
Blogger Outi-Illuusia Parviainen said...

Tyyny, tyyny
tyly, tyly
tyytyy lyy.

7:58 ip.  
Blogger Karri Kokko said...

Kaunista, nyökyttelee myös nuori neiti hiukan hämillisenä tässä vieressäni.

8:16 ip.  
Blogger Geofhuth said...


The word is "kinnikinnik" and is rarely ever used. Its fame comes from its being such a long palindrome, and one essentially constructed of two overlapping palindromes.

Here's what it means (according to the OED):

1. A mixture used by North American Indians as a substitute for tobacco, or for mixing with it; the commonest ingredients are dried sumach-leaves and the inner bark of dogwood or willow. Also attrib.

2. Any of the various plants used for this, as the Silky Cornel, Cornus sericea, Red-osier Dogwood, Cornus stolonifera, and esp. Bearberry, Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi (also trailing k., k.-vine).

But what does that Finnish word mean?


4:37 ap.  
Blogger Karri Kokko said...


Thanks for a new word; I don't remember seeing that before. With the y's, it's even phonetically right.

As for "kynnyskysymys": I thought you would be interested in it. I didn't provide it's translation, however, because, try as I might, I just couldn't remember the proper word for it. I still can't (and I'm too busy watching World Cup soccer to concentrate in finding it). I know there is one. The Finnish word is made up of two words, "kynnys" (treshold; both concr. and fig.) and "kysymys" (question; issue). So, we're talking about the question, or issue, that has to be solved or decided upon first, before the actual negotiations between two parties can start. What is that word?

10:40 ip.  

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