Olin astumassa lähtöruutuun, mutta en suinkaan ollut vasta-alkaja. Halusin nimen, joka olisi minä. Olin varma, että se on kulkenut siitä lähtien aivoissani. Aika loppuu. Enää ei tanssita hitaita. Niinpä meidänkin osanamme oli kulkea ja koluta paljon tallattuja polkuja, joiden maasto oli jo tarkkaan koluttu. Nämä ovat itsessään arvokkaita, pyhiä asioita. Kahvi höyryää kupeissa, kulhossa on keksejä. Uuden löytäminen on tärkeää.
How many dots do you have up there in the air, Karri? And how many vowels and double kk's and tt's and _double vowels_!
Did you forget your English?
Cheers, Anny
Now, that's a lot of questions! The dots, they just mark different sounds. The ö is the same sound as in urn (although shorter). The o is the same as in long. The ä is same as the vowel sound in glad (although shorter). The a, however, matches the open sound found in far (again, shorter). The double vowels are just longer. Aa as in far, ee (that you don't have, but the e sound in Finnish is found in hen; just stretch it), ii as in keep, oo as in torn, uu as in tool, yy (nah; try über) ää as in baaaad, öö as in the fore-mentioned urn. Got it? Now, the double consonants... They belong to different syllables. So the word gekko would be divided as gek-ko (not gekk-o, as in English). My name, therefore: Kar-ri Kok-ko (and all the vowels very short). That simple. As for my English? No, I didn't forget it. It's hibernating.
kksmeirm (see!)
Okay, try pronouncing "höyryää." Soon as you figure that out... well, I'd say you've graduated. It's three syllables: höy-ry-ää. Think "the," only lose the t. Make a German ü-sound at the end and you got the first syllable. The second: try rü (roll your r and keep your vowel short). The third: a long vowel as in baaaad. There you got it. And it means something "is steaming," or "steams".
What am I doing...
Terribly confusing, but thank you for your kind lesson,
hopefully you won't hypernate too long, take care, Anny
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