lauantaina, lokakuuta 22, 2005

Good morning, langpouid!

see you
just got up

if I
try hard enough

can feel
our soles touching


Blogger mark young said...

KK up.
Souls? Ah, soles!

ighvsqg (don't ask)

12:45 ip.  
Blogger Karri Kokko said...

Yeah. It was a minute poem (or menuette) I made last night just before bedtime. And you're right, sometimes my typos and such are intentional. I also like to include them little fishes you only meet at fancy restaurants, seldom in langpouidry. Now, do they tap dance only to sole music?


4:18 ip.  
Blogger ill. said...

nice, touching :)

6:30 ip.  
Blogger Karri Kokko said...

Thanks. The poem, although inspired by Mark Young who lives in Australia, is dedicated to each and every poet around the Blogosphere, and to whom I feel a very special connection.

8:33 ip.  

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