maanantaina, joulukuuta 13, 2004

Magneettisia runoja

Geof Huth, jonka visuaaliselle runoudelle omistettu blogi dbqp löytyy listattuna tuosta vierestä, kirjoittaa otsikolla Refrigerated Poetry ja kierrättää siinä sivussa linkin saitille, jossa voi kokeilla omien jääkaappirunojen tekemistä.

Ei lainkaan hassumpi ajatus. Mutta kuka keksisi tuottaa kännykkään esimerkiksi tuhat sanaa käsittävän runogeneraattorin? Sopivan joutohetken iskiessä generaattoria olisi hauska jumittaa, ainakin hauskempi kuin näitä perinteisiä matopelejä. Ja tottakai näin synnytetyt tekstit lähtisivät messuina eteenpäin heimon ällisteltäväksi.


Anonymous Anonyymi said...

Akateemisessa bongasin eilen n. 500 sanan jääkaappimagneettipaketin. Hintaa oli 19,90 e. Melkein ostin, mutta en kuitenkaan. Ehkä kuitenkin pitäisi...


12:40 ip.  
Blogger Karri Kokko said...

Kiitos vinkistä!

12:50 ip.  
Blogger Geofhuth said...


I could not have said it better myself! (I included a poem in this entry that talks about my love of winter, but maybe you mentioned this in your posting.)

Speaking of which, have you ever seen the only Finnish I've ever "written":


5:52 ap.  
Blogger Karri Kokko said...

No, Geof, I didn't say anything about the winter; I wanted my readers to see for themselves by referring them to your site. The other commentator says he saw a 500-word magnetic set in a bookstore in downtown Helsinki the other day. He didn't say, but I guess the set's in English because in Finnish (which has fifteen different cases) it's very hard to build proper sentences with words in their basic form only. Then again, that could be fun. Anyway, now I know what I'm gonna get my nine year old daughter for Xmas. As for your Finnish poem, which was perfectly executed, it's always refreshing to get a look your own language seen thru somebody else's eyes. Thanks.

10:08 ap.  
Anonymous Anonyymi said...

The set is in Finnish. There's one in Swedish too, but that's a set of 'only' some 300+ magnets.


10:31 ap.  
Blogger Karri Kokko said...

Thanks, npi, that's wonderful news! I'll probably get both sets since Josefin can read & write Swedish, too. Maybe she can also explain the d in the fridge (I mean, no such letter in the verb refrigerate).

11:00 ap.  
Blogger Karri Kokko said...

I mean, thanks, pni. Sorry.

11:01 ap.  

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