Go Bostons!
Tämän päivän New York Timesissa lehden pääkirjallisuusarvostelija Michiko Kakutani kirjoittaa:It is often the case that the baseball playoffs are more exciting to watch than the World Series to which they lead. And it may turn out to be the case again this year. But anyone who is a fan of baseball will have to admit that the past week has been one of those transcendent moments when what is humanly possible in sport is on display so clearly that even the most casual observer would take notice. Since we’re rooting for everyone & everything from Massachusetts for the next several weeks anyway, we’re quite pleased. »
The team hailed as the team of the century is now mocked for pulling the biggest choke job in the annals of sports. The ghost of Babe Ruth was dead. The tide of history had turned. Karma had left the Bronx and fled north up the Eastern corridor.
Certainly anyone who was not a die-hard Yankees fan would say there was a kind of poetic justice to it all: an end to the dominion of the Evil Empire, a stake in the heart of the richest, most storied franchise in sports history. After 26 championships, after years of George Steinbrenner's outspending everyone, after decades of Yankees fans' taunting Boston with chants of "1918," wasn't it finally someone else's turn? And who better to do it than the Red Sox — national symbols, along with the hapless Chicago Cubs, of the perennial underdog?And there were other morals to be drawn from the narrative... »
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